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Let's get physical!Jun 2nd 2017
Hey. I usually start these posts with a brief apology. I know it’s redundant now, but I’m such a gentleman I just can’t help myself. Here we go… Sorry. I used to post more often on here, but unless I’ve got some exciting news it’ll likely remain about once a month for the time-being. Perhaps once I move into other areas of development I’ll have more stuff to talk about, but recently it’s mostly been more of the same old graft which I’ve already covered on previous blogs. As you can probably make out it hasn’t been particularly enthralling of late, but I have kept up a nice pace and workflow which I’m happy with. There’s more areas to think about and concentrate on now that the world and all the rooms are established, but I’m still stuck performing a series of fairly tasks. Perhaps the next few weeks will be a bit more interesting and diverse. There’s so much still to think about it makes me dizzy. Menus, character animation, interaction screens, minigames... I could easily go on but if I
Anniversary BlogApr 28th 2017
I always struggle with beginning a blog post, so I consulted Google. Yeah. Oh hey! Sorry as usual for the lack of updates, I’ve been pretty busy the last few weeks. Unusually I’m writing this blog in an uncharacteristically positive frame of mind. I think I’m at the point now where I'm almost ready to get stuck into the real meat and bones of the game, and I’m really looking forward to it. Up until now, most of my time has been spent on things besides the game engine or interface. It’s strange to consider that a year into this project, it still feels like I'm in the preparation stages. That’s not entirely true, but that’s often how it feels. This is due to the fact that I am still, relatively speaking, a bit new to this. Not just Unity, but game-development practices outside of Flash in general. All considered, it has been a massive learning curve, there still remains plenty to learn (namely anything to do with graphics and rendering), but otherwise I feel significantly more at ease with this design
ExcusesMar 27th 2017
Hi there. … *cough* … *sniff* So... How about the... uhh, things. You know? OK, clearly I’m long overdue my scheduled regular update, but I’ve got a very very good a reason. I don’t usually go much into my personal life on this blog but, I’ve got to tell you... I’ve been away on holiday. My bum fell out. I’m pregnant. I’ve got cancer. And it’s serious… which is why I’ve struggled to get much done since my last blog! 58 tumours in total. Apparently that’s quite a lot, but my oncologist said he can have them out by Friday! (He’s very talented.) Yeah. None of that was true, except for the bit where I admitted getting very little done. At the time of my last post I was about to integrate the new ‘world’ with the rest of the project, but somewhere along the way I got lost in a mad whirlpool of my own design. It’s been a very circular, static few weeks. The way I designed the world to begin with had some fundamental problems. I spent a very long time recently trying to resolve them, but with little
Friday, Friday, gotta write blog on FridayFeb 24th 2017
Sorry for the delay. Despite repeated promises I just haven’t been in a posting mood of late. Everyday for the last 2 weeks it’s been on my to-do list, but somehow I never get round to it. But tonight I’m making a concerted effort. That’s commitment, folks, only 2 weeks later than my word. It’s been a busy few weeks. I’ve gotten a lot done but as usual it’s a little short of my intended target. I’ve spent almost all of my time in the 3D editor and photoshop - modelling, painting, unwrapping and texturing the static environment. I’ve described in previous blogs how enjoyable and relaxing this I find this, but after so many weeks of performing the same dull repetitive tasks, I’ll be glad to move onto something else to put it mildly. I’m a little apprehensive to show pictures as it’s not quite there yet. The models have to exported into the game editor before I can finesse the look of materials and textures, however it makes sense for me to finish modelling before I bother with that. So
GreyprintsJan 31st 2017
Hey. I’m seriously overdue on my blog schedule, sorry about that. I’ll try to post more frequently, lately I’ve not had much material to blog about. As any regular reader will probably gleam by my lack of presence, with regards the new Wasted Youth game, things feel increasingly troubled and depressing right now. As ever, the list of things to do increases faster than I can progress, and it feels like I’ve been running on the spot for the best part of a season. I hate to go on about the negatives in the blog as so often when I read it back to myself it reads like a dreary letter of complaint to myself. I’ll try not to focus on the negatives, but unfortunately, that’s largely the headspace I’m in at this moment. Another reason I’ve felt a little shy of returning recently is that I keep flip-flopping on my approach to things and I’m a little embarrassed to keep flaunting my haphazardness. For instance, my last post largely was about some of the game-editing tools I was creating for basic room
Jan 1st 1970
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