I’ve been meaning to write a news post for a long time now, but unfortunately I’m just so damn lazy I never got round to it.
It’s 3 days until Christmas (or 4 if you’re a glass half empty type of person, you cynic) and I feel like I just want to sit, relax and think of Jesus until the holiday spirit finally hits me. It’s just not happening though. All the Christmas juice is gone. I’ve finally reached the age where the Christmas glands are no longer working. I am essentially, Christmasless.
Shit. Am I being depressing again? I don’t think I am. I hope I haven’t brought you down, or in my own terms, dried up your holiday glands. I apologise.
So it’s been a long time since I last wrote a news post, which I think I say every time now. I can’t think of another website I regularly visit that posts updates so irregularly. The thought suggests neither do you, and so you’re probably not even reading this because you got fed up waiting. Oh well, I’ve started, so I’ll finish, like the old man in the big chair often says.
The news on Wasted Youth, Part 2 isn’t terribly exciting. It’s still moving, but at a pretty unremarkable rate, thereby making it remarkable in a negative sense. In other words, it’s going slowly.
I would post pictures, but they wouldn’t be showing anything new. It’s still the same school and setting. Besides, I don’t want to ruin the few surprises We’ve got planned.
While I can’t give you much to whet your appetite on WY2, I can talk to you, perhaps interest you, in some other work I’ve been doing.
Recently, I’ve had my head under a rock (figuratively), so it came as a surprise to me that the new Flash Player has made a pretty huge improvement since its predecessor. It’s now got 3D capabilities... Proper GPU 3D, not that mock 3D pre-FP11. It’s really quite amazing how well it works. The graphics you can render are nearly as good as today’s console games. Check out some examples if you haven’t already seen it in action:
Somewhat frightened by this inevitable progression of technology, I thought I better learn a thing or two about developing 3D content.
Well, I spent no longer than a week researching and fiddling around with it. In the end, I felt much the same way I felt when I first looked at the Actionscript 2 of a simple flash game. Overwhelmed and scared, and again when I first saw code written in Actionscript 3.
It’s pretty complicated stuff, and I still haven't worked out how to use 3DS Max or Maya.
I can’t think of any uses for 3D, though. After working with Flash for so long I find it hard to imagine many things that would be improved than if it were in 2D.
I wondered for a moment what a Bunny Invasion 3 would look like in 3D… But then I quickly dismissed it. Some of Bunny Invasion 3 has already been developed and I don’t want to have to re-do that stuff again.
So in conclusion, look out. The world is changing.
Revolutions, protests, economic crises, war… but just remember, your Flash-run media might be getting somewhat more DEPTH in the not so distant future. But… heh… don’t lose sleep about it, kid. That’s just the way the COOKIE CRUMBLES. [More pointless words] Etc. etc.
Speaking of Bunny Invasion 3, I dreamt up a great structure for the plot the other night, mainly the beginning. I almost regretted the idea as soon as I thought of it though… because the more time passes, the more my instincts tell me I should be working on a sequel to Bunny Invasion instead of Wasted Youth.
Perhaps we might be seeing a Bunny Invasion 3 before Wasted Youth, Part 2, but it’s unlikely.
So until next time, here’s a picture I drew:
Frosty loves pud.