
In the game there are bonus ‘points’ that you can pick up that are broken down into three categories: Brutality, Kindness, and Information.

There are a total of 5 Brutality Points, 5 Kindness Points, and 4 Information Points that can be found in a single play through.

However with Brutality and Kindness Points you often have to make a choice between the two, so if you pick up 5 Brutality Points, you can’t also pick up all 5 Kindness Points. By choosing to identify more strongly with one side, you can get slightly different endings once you complete the game.

It is more fun to play through the game a few times to try and find them yourself, most are pretty easy to identify once you are familiar with the story paths available, but for those who want to take the easy way, look below.

In addition to gaining these Points, there are also 3 items you can pick up during the game to give you additional options in specific scenes.

The items are a Can of Beans, Jerry the Gerbil, and a Shotgun. Collecting the items will give you a points bonus and make it easier to achieve a better rank at the end of the game.

Information Points

  • In Scene 1, choose the option “Ignore the knocking and keep watching TV.”
  • After escaping your house in Scene 1, choose the option “Head into the open countryside.”
    In the following scene choose “Sneak around outside to try to peek into the farmhouse”.
  • In Scene 5, when you are first inside the shopping district, take the option to “Go to the newsagents.”
  • In Scene 6, once you are inside the library, choose to “Investigate the library.”

Brutality Points

  • In the beginning of Scene 1 choose either “Ignore the knocking and keep watching TV,” or ”Go to an upstairs room and look down to see who is knocking on the door,” or “Open the door cautiously, on a chain.”
    In any of the following scenes choose the option to go to the kitchen.
    Now choose the option “Pick up a kitchen knife and cut the bitch’s head off.”
  • At the beginning of Scene 3, choose the option “You have a sudden urge to go to the toilet.”
    In the following scene, choose “Attack with a hand dryer.” (If you get this point you cannot get Brutality Point 4 and vice versa)
  • At the beginning of Scene 4 choose the option “Sneak in through the back.”
    In the following scene choose either “Offer to make him some coffee.” (which gains you a Kindness Point) or “Strip off to show you’re not a mutant.”
    Now in the following scenario, choose the option “Start taking pot shots at the mutants outside,” to get the Brutality.
  • At the end of Scene 4, outside the police station where two mutants remain, if you have the Can of Beans item in your inventory, the option “Throw a can of beans at one of the mutants” will be available. Choose it to get the Brutality Point. (Therefore, Brutality Point 2 & 4 cannot both be found in a single playing)
  • During Scene 6 at the Library, when you encounter one of these options do NOT choose them: “Sit back and read a book”, “Look up internet porn” or “Get the hell out”.
    If you encounter the option “Shout ‘Bring it on, bitches!’”, choose it.
    Finally, when you are given the option “Set up bookshelves to fall down onto the mutants”, choose it for your Brutality Point
  • In Scene 7, after discovering there is a mutant within the car showroom, you will be given the option “Try to crush its head in the door”. Choose this to get the point.

Kindness Points

  • In the beginning of Scene 1 choose either “Ignore the knocking and keep watching TV”, or “Go to an upstairs room and look down to see who is knocking on the door”, or “Open the door cautiously, on a chain.”
    In any of the following scenes choose the option to go to the kitchen.
    Either “Retreat to the kitchen”, or “Go to the kitchen to find something there to deal with her.” Once in the kitchen choose the option “Get a raw, bloody hunk of meat from your fridge and offer it to her”, to get the Kindness Point.
  • In Scene 3, where you are inside the supermarket, choose the option “You have a sudden urge to go to the toilet.”
    Once inside choose the option “Point to the unflushed toilet and say ‘Look what I did.’”
    (If you get this point you cannot get Kindness Point 5 and vice versa)
  • In Scene 4 you have arrived outside the police station. Choose the option “Sneak in through the back”, once inside, choose “Offer to make him some coffee”, to get the point.
  • Later in Scene 4, the mutants are attacking the police station. Choose the option “Tell the police chief they have to get out of there”, to get the Kindness Point.
  • After emerging from the sewer in Scene 5, take the option to “Go take a dip in an indoor swimming pool.” Inside if you have collected the Can of Beans item, choose “Offer the hot, naked, mutant chick some beans,” for the point. (Therefore, Kindness Point 2 & 5 cannot both be found in a single playing)
  • During Scene 6 at the Library, when you encounter one of these options do NOT choose them: “Sit back and read a book”, “Look up internet porn”, or “Get the hell out.”
    If you see this option: “Shout ‘bring it on, bitches!’”, choose it.
    Finally, when you see the option “Set all the computers to look up internet porn,” choose it to get the final Kindness Point.


  • 6 Can Multipack of Beans

    In Scene 3 at the supermarket, take the option “Grab a shopping trolley.”

  • Jerry the (Attack) Gerbil

    In Scene 5 where you are outside the pet shop, choose the option “Sing it a lullaby.”

  • Shotgun

    At the beginning of Scene 8, when you are faced with a mutant, trapped in a dead end, choose “Use shotgun.”
    If you still have all 3 items, you can perform the “Ultimate Master Plan” in your last decision.