Pool + Powerups + big pockets + combos = this game.
We aimed to make an easy to play version of pool where its easy to sink the balls, get huge combos and just have fun with it.
The game is over when you run out of white balls, but you can win bonus white balls by getting large sink-streaks.
We aimed to make an easy to play version of pool where its easy to sink the balls, get huge combos and just have fun with it.
The game is over when you run out of white balls, but you can win bonus white balls by getting large sink-streaks.
Mouse only.
Left Mouse Click and pull back cue to adjust shot strength.
Click the question mark any time if you want to see what all the power-ups balls do.
You can interact with the white ball at any time.
Shooting while it's still on the move can save you...
Left Mouse Click and pull back cue to adjust shot strength.
Click the question mark any time if you want to see what all the power-ups balls do.
You can interact with the white ball at any time.
Shooting while it's still on the move can save you...