The last time I did a news post was over a month and a half ago. Sorry about that.
I’d love to say that since the last update I’d made a huge amount of progress on Wasted Youth… but seriously, we all know that would be a shock too great for a fragile mind, i.e. an obsessive flash-o-phile, so instead, I regret to say that things haven’t gone as planned since we last spoke.
My quick conversion from AS2 to AS3 has been extremely slow. The time just seems to disappear in tedious error checking and corrections, spending hours on a diversion that I couldn’t possibly have predicted.
I won’t go into much more detail why, but it has occurred to me recently that the conversion was a bad idea.
I’m now faced with the decision to either carry on with this mess, or to go back to simpler methods but a less reliable environment.
Going back would essentially make the last 50 days almost entirely meaningless… but following the tail end of a day where once again little progress has been made, I’m considering this option… regrettably.
What a bummer. I wish I could say things have been going really well recently, but they just haven’t.
The last couple months have been difficult largely due to personal problems that I’d rather not go into, but needless to say, they’ve had a negative impact on everything including my work.
It’s extremely frustrating to know from so many hours of work, can so little actually be achieved.
I was watching Dave play a game today developed by Berserk Studios called ‘Delivery Man’. It’s a rail shooter, with some similarity to Bunny Invasion. I expect it’ll be published on GP Studios soon.
Anyway, the thought occurred, that if I tried to make that game it would take me no less than a year probably… yet I imagine that the Berserk Studios crew (a trio?) took around 1 to 2 months to develop the game from start to finish.
Once again, my spirits fell.
I am reminded of my lack of speed on a daily… perhaps hourly basis.
I truly wish I could set my mind to a small project and have it completely finished in a fortnight.
I have so many ideas I’d like to work on with which this might be doable, but I’m shackled to past commitments of epic proportions.
Wasted Youth started development over 2 years ago… and since then, we’ve released only one other game, Mutant Uprising.
Balls. I promised myself I wouldn’t broadcast these feelings like this, but I struggle to think of anything else worthy of note recently.
Oh yeah, almost forgot:
We were flattered to be asked some questions by someone writing an article on the flash games industry. Unfortunately nothing I said made it into the article, but it’s still a good read. However when he did make reference to Bunny Invasion at the beginning I didn’t recognise it as such. He seems to think Mr Frost is in his 70s, but he’s supposed to be in his late 50s.
I don’t really mind but…
Well, anyway…
Thank you for all your kind comments and encouragement.
Keep ‘em coming.
I’m a comments whore,
Gimme some more.
Tom Wilson, GP Studios 2011 ©
That’s a poem I just wrote entitled ‘Comments Whore’. I hope you enjoyed it.
I’ll try to do another post soon. I’m not too happy with this one. It’s a bit downbeat.