Part 1. Done.


Waste Youth, Part 1 is finished. Hoorah!

It seemed this day would never come, but it has! FINALLY! HOORAH!!!


Now comes the interminable/exciting/depressing process of getting a sponsor.


As I’ve written countless times before, it’s very possible the game could get no bids and make next to no money.

18 months effectively wasted… making the title “Wasted Youth” somewhat un-ironic and matter-of-fact.

I hope that doesn’t happen though. Hopefully, in the future I’ll be able to tell people of my 18 month dirge, and when they ask the title of the game I can say “It’s called Wasted Youth… Which is ironic because I made $50,000,000 from it, making the 18 month development time seem like quite a Full and Prosperous Youth.” And then I’d laugh.


While the game is finished, it’ll be a while before it’s released publically… So instead, here’s a video of what you can expect.

Watch it in 480p.



More exciting news soon...