First thing to mention is we have a new sponsored game out - A Rock Story. Please check it out and rate it favorably wherever you may find it. Thanks!


Wondering why there’s still no viral release of ‘Wasted Youth, Part 1’ out yet?

We’ve worked out a deal where the game will be featured on the front page, but the slot won't be available till next week.
And as for Kongregate, we are waiting for a new month to begin to give us a better shot and the monthly contest, and at the beginning of the month it will get more visibility.

As for other smaller portals/arcade sites, we’ve decided to hold off until the game is out on both NG and Kong.



The game will have medals on Newgrounds and (hopefully) badges on Kongregate. So, when it’s finally released, why not complete it two more times on different websites, until you’re sick of it and you want to die. I know I will!


I’ll be doing another news post soon, probably on Monday when we release the game, so I’ll try to keep things short. For now though, feast your eyes on this, the new GP Studios splash screen:



What do you think?

It’s certainly better than the old splash, which just faded into view while humming, “oooohhhhhmmmmmm.”
It was nice to go back to the Mr Frost character and correct a few things. In the Bunny Invasion source files, the layering and scaling is a complete mess. You probably won’t notice any difference, though. I imagine I’ll evolve him a little further in Bunny Invasion 3.


Oh yeah, it was my 21st birthday yesterday. I got out of bed feeling strange. I felt woozy and my skin was very sensitive. “Is this what it feels like to be 21?” I thought to myself.

Throughout the day I was having ever-increasing uncomfortable pains inside my left ear. A bit like when you stick your finger in your ear and cause yourself to gag.

In the evening, me and my family went out for a meal, where I ate very little and felt nauseous from the smell of the food.

We went home early, and I opened my presents while lying on a couch in some discomfort.

However, I awoke this morning with only a slight headache…

Was it a strange reaction to turning 21, or was I just unlucky enough to get some weird temporary illness that day? I’m not sure and I doubt I ever will.

It will forever be a mystery.