Big news, I'll keep this short.


Wasted Youth, Part 1 is out now on To play it, CLICK HERE.


JayIsGames has reviewed the game. To read it, CLICK HERE.


If you're stuck at any point, check out the walkthrough. To read it, CLICK HERE.

Unfortunately, the walkthrough page is a little screwy at the moment, some of the pictures aren't displaying or are jumbled up.


And now some less exciting news...


In the last week and a half I've been spending my time on Bunny Invasion 3, despite all the other projects up in the air right now.
I found myself doing this one day after becoming bored with another project. Every so often, I get the urge to create Bunny Invasion 3, and this time I couldn't help but try.


I made some huge progress ins a very short amount of time, but as it happens, each day became a little less productive, and then I made the decision to start work on Mutant Uprising 2 instead, which will be a much quicker project to complete than BI3.


I'm wondering if I should post a little sample of where I've got to in BI3, but instead I'll just post a picture:



Now you may notice that the graphics are quite terrible and not representative of the actual Bunny Invasion 3, but remember I've only really spent a week on this.

The plan is to make Bunny Invasion 3 somewhat more mental than the previous two. I want twice the amount of blood, bullets, death and destruction than the last installment... As you might expect, it's gonna be all out war between the bunnies and the humans.
It's been over 2 years since the last one, AND THEY'RE FUCKING READY FOR SOME MUTILATION!!!!!!!!
...Maybe that could be a tagline?


Anyway, I feel happy with the way I've spent my time, even though ultimately, BI3 is unlikely to be released any time soon.
It's been a very good lesson in how to write in an OOP (Object Oriented Programming) way.

Very very useful in creating game engines.


Now, back to Wasted Youth. For the time being, you will only be able to play it on

They have exclusive rights for 30 days, and then it will go viral (Newgrounds, Kongregate, etc.)... but I guess that's all to be explained in the next news post, because in 30 days I will be urging you all to play it again and rate it highly on all the big portal websites!!!


I might just do another news within the next 2 weeks, but if I don't, see you in 30 days when things get rather exciting for us.

